Here at TravelLab we care not only about the travels and expeditions, but also about the time that you spend in Ethiopia or learning about it sitting in front of your computer.
We are trying to cover a wide range of topics and adding the new articles constantly, supplementing them with our own high-quality photographs and illustrations.
We hope that our original material will help you to learn something new, prepare you for your upcoming trip to Ethiopia and possibly use it in your own work (please don’t forget to cite the source!).
А вот еще один суб-проект на стадии развития – Энциклопедия Эфиопия, призванная стать наиболее полным русско-язычным ресурсом по географии, этнографии, религии и т.д. Эфиопии, а также сопроводить тексты полезными иллюстрациями. Если у вас есть какие-то соображения по поводу структуры, развития или, может, вы написали или пишите интересную и важную статью, и готовы ее разместить внутри проекта, высказывайтесь!
“Encyclopedia Ethiopia” is an author’s project, but if you have interesting and insightful articles, we would be happy to add them to the encyclopedia (of course, posted under your name). If you would like to participate in creating the most complete resource about Ethiopia, please contact us.