Hanukkah’s lights in HebronХеврон зажигает

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, the first Judean capital and one of the most important Jewish sites. Enjoy our special photo report!Праздник света – Ханука – в Израиле отмечается не просто в каждом городе, но в каждом доме, светском и религиозном. Пожалуй, он, как ни один другой праздник, объединяет и примиряет весь еврейский народ. Вместе с тем, есть город, в котором Ханука ощущается иначе – не масляными пончиками и дрейделами, но солдатами, холодом и безмерной, глубочайшей надеждой. Если где-то в Израиле свет ханукальных свечей и рассеивает тьму, то это там, в первой столице Иудеи, Хевроне, городе, который сложно понять, но очень легко полюбить.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Cave of the Patriarchs ready to celebrate.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hannukiya in the Patriarch’s cave window.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Soldiers lighting up their candles.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hazel David Synagogue.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

ХАБАДники незадолго до зажигания свечей объезжают солдат и угощают пончиками.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Пещера Патриархов готовится к празднованию.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

А вот и главное “зажигание”: ханукия в окне Пещеры Патриархов.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Но все же самыми ценными кадрами и впечатлениями стали эти. Солдаты, зажигающие у себя в будках и на дежурных постах свечи.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Синагога Хазон Давид – наиболее часто разрушаемая синагога в мире. Ее сносили более 30 раз и она, как птица Феникс, восстает из пепла. Еще минувшей весной это было красиво отремонтированное здание, однако сегодня – она вновь шатер.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.

Но и в ее окне – свет, свет надежды.

Hanukkah celebration in Hebron, antient Judean Capital and one of the most important cities for Jews.


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